Foreign Phrase
Foreign Phrase
What does the abbreviation ‘A.D.’ stands for?
a. After death b. Anti-dote
c. Anno Domini d. Add data
a. After death b. Anti-dote
c. Anno Domini d. Add data
Ans: c
‘e.g.’ stands for-
a. exempli gratia b. exe grat
c. exempli grat d. none
a. exempli gratia b. exe grat
c. exempli grat d. none
Ans: a
3. Full expression
of ‘N.B.’ is-
a. note before b. nota bene
c. note beside d. note better
a. note before b. nota bene
c. note beside d. note better
Ans: b
4. ‘Prior to’
a. immediately b. before
c. after d. during the period of
a. immediately b. before
c. after d. during the period of
Ans: b
5. “Bon voyage”
a. Have a sound sleep b. Devil’s advocate
a. Have a sound sleep b. Devil’s advocate
c. A handsome
fellow d. Wish a good trip
Ans: d
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