

1. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. –bvP‡j bv Rvb‡j DVvb euvKv|
2. A barking dog seldom bites./Empty vessels sound much./Great talkers are never great (good) doers.- Amv‡ii ZR©b MR©b mvi|/hZ M‡R©  ZZ e‡m© bv|/gy‡L eywj j¤^v, Kv‡R Aói¤¢v|
3. A drowning man catches at a straw./Where there is life, there is hope.- hZ¶Y k¦vm ZZ¶Y Avk| 
4. All’s well that ends well.- ‡kl fv‡jv hvi me fv‡jv Zvi|
5. A stitch in time saves nine.- mg‡qi GK †duvo, Amg‡qi `k †duvo|
6. Black will take no other hue.- Kqjv kZ a~B‡jI gqjv hvq bv|
7. Charity begins at home.- Av‡M Ni Z‡e †Zv ci|
8. Cut your coat according to your cloth.- Avq ey‡S e¨q Ki|
9. Diamond cuts diamond.- gvwb‡K gvwbK ‡P‡b|
10. Handsome is as/that/what handsome does.-my›`‡iiv hv K‡i ZvB my›`i|
11. Ill news runs apace.-`ytmsev` evZv‡mi Av‡M Qovq|
12. Look before you leap.-fvweqv KwiI KvR|
13. Misfortune never comes alone.-wec` KL‡bv GKv Av‡m bv|
14. No news is good news.- ‡Kvb Lei bvB gv‡bB fvj Lei|
15. Prevention is better than cure.-cÖwZ‡laK A‡c¶v cÖwZ‡iva DËg|
16. There are lees to every wine.-Puv‡`I Kj¼ Av‡Q|
17. To build castle in the air.- AvKvk Kymyg wPš‘v Kiv|
18. To carry/bring coals to Newcastle.-  ‡Zjv gv_vq †Zj †`Iqv|
19. Too many cooks spoil the broth.- AwaK mbœvmx‡Z MvRb bó|
20. Too much courtesy, too much craft.- AZ fw³ †Pv‡ii j¶Y|
21. A bolt from the blue.-webv †g‡N eRªcvZ|
22. Cast pearls before the swine.-Djy e‡b  gy³v Qov‡bv|
23. Empty vessels sound much.-Amv‡ii ZR©b MR©bB mvi|
24. Riches do not last long.- Hk¦h© `xN© w`b _v‡K  bv|

1.     Time and tide – for none.
a. waits                   b. wait            
c. work                   d. works           
Ans: b
2.    wec` KL‡bv GKv Av‡m bv|
a. Misfortune never comes alone.              
b. Misfortunes never come alone.
c. Misfortunes never comes alone.            
d. Misfortune comes alone ever.     
Ans: a
3.    AwaK mbœvmx‡Z MvRb bó|- Translate into English.
a. Too many cooks spoil the broth.           
b. Too much courtesy, too much craft.
c. Grasp all, lose all.                                  
d. To the pure all things are pure.    
Ans: a
4.     A stich in time – nine.                                                                                       
a. saves                   b. saved          
c. will save              d. have saved  
Ans: a

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