1. ‘A little learning is a dangerous things’ is quotation
a. Oscar Wilds b.
c. Socrates d. Alexander Pope
c. Socrates d. Alexander Pope
Ans: d
2. Who wrote ‘Beauty is truth, Truth is beauty’?
a. Shakespeare b.
c. Keats d. Eliot
c. Keats d. Eliot
3. ‘Cowards die many times before their death’ is said
a. Julious
Caesar b. Hamlet
c. Macbeth d. None
c. Macbeth d. None
Ans: a
4. ‘Democracy is a government of the people, by the
people, for the people’ This statement is attributed to-
a. Russeau b.
Montague c. Voltaire d. Abraham Linkon
Ans: d
5. ‘Give me good mothers, I will give you a good nation’
Was the ovservation of-
a. Hitler b.
Sk. Mujib
c. Napoleon d. Abraham Linkon
c. Napoleon d. Abraham Linkon
Ans: c
6. ‘He prayth best who loveth best. Both man and bird and
beast’ Who told it?
a. Bernard Shaw b.
c. Morley d. Browning
c. Morley d. Browning
Ans: b
7. ‘If winter comes, can spring be far behind’ was
written by-
a. Donne b.
c. Tennyson d. Coleridge
c. Tennyson d. Coleridge
Ans: b
8. ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ was stated by-
a. Dsareli b.
c. Gladstone d. Shakespeare
c. Gladstone d. Shakespeare
Ans: c
9. ‘knowledge is power’ quoted by-
a. Franklin b. Hobbes
c. Wordsworth d. Milton
c. Wordsworth d. Milton
Ans: b
10. Who said ‘Man is a political animal’?
a. Dante b.
c. Socrates d. Plato
c. Socrates d. Plato
Ans: b
11. ‘Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains’-Dw³wU
a. Victor Hugo b.
c. Rousseau d. Bertrand Russell
c. Rousseau d. Bertrand Russell
Ans: c
12. ‘To be or not to be that is the question’- the
quotation from-
a. Wordsworth b. Shakespeare
c. John Keats d. Robert Frost
c. John Keats d. Robert Frost
Ans: b
13. ‘To err is human, to forgive is divine’ is written by-
a. Tennyson b.
c. Milton d. Pope
c. Milton d. Pope
Ans: d
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