

‡h me Word Noun A_ev Pronoun  m¤^‡Ü wKQz e‡j ev G‡`i we‡klvwqZ K‡i ZvB Adjective.

Adjective cÖavbZ `yB cÖKvi:
1. Attribute Adjective
1.      Predicate Adjective

1. Attribute Adjective: Adjective hLb Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m Zvi †`vl, ¸Y cÖKvk K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Attributive Adjective e‡j| †hgb- He is an intelligent   boy.
                                                                                                 adjective           noun

2. Predicate Adjective: Adjective hLb Verb Gi c‡i Predicate wn‡m‡e e‡m Noun ev Pronoun Gi †`vl, ¸Y, cÖKvk K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Predicate Adjective e‡j| †hgb- He is intelligent.

1. Distributive Adjective: Distributive Pronoun hLb Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m hLb Adjective Gi gZ KvR K‡i| Distributive Adjective wn‡m‡e cÖ‡Z¨K A‡_© Each/Every `yBwUi cÖ‡Z¨KwU A‡_© Either Ges `yBwUi †KvbwUB bq A‡_© Neither e¨eüZ nq|
Ex: Each boy reads here

2. Demonstrative Adjective: ‡h me Pronoun wbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`k© K‡i| (this, that, these, those)|

3. Possessive Adjective: Possessive Pronoun hLb Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m Adjective Gi gZ KvR K‡i| (my, his, her, their, its)|
Ex: This is my car. 

For Example
1.           An adjective qualifies  a –                                                                  
a) verb                b) adverb         c) pronoun       d) none of these                         
2.           The two types of adjectives are :                                                               
a) attributive and relative                        b) predicative and collective
c) attributive and predicative       d) predicative and alternative                            
3.           Few students come to school today. Here ‘few’ is an adjective of -       
a) quality             b) quantity       c) numeral       d) none                                      
4.           Rahim is the third child of his family. Here third is-                         
a) Cardinal numeral                    b) Ordinal numeral
c) Multiplicative numeral             d) Indefinite numeral                                     
5.           She was one of – people who are forever worried about money.     
a) these               b) those                        c) this               d) that                                    
6.           The adjective ‘this’ is-                                                                                  
a) Proper             b) Numeral      c) Distributive d) Demonstrative
e) Adjective of quality                                                                                              
7.           ------- parent plays a different but important role in a child’s life.          
a) Each                b) One             c) Anyone        d) The                                        
8.           Neither report is true. ‘Neither’ is –                  [R.U.08-09]
a) verb                b) pronoun       c) adverb         d) adjective                             

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