Verb Forms: Right or Wrong

Verb is the Part of Speech that express action. Ab¨ K_vq ejv hvq, Verb Ggb GKwU Part of speech hv Øviv Kvh© m¤úv`b, kw³ ¶q Ges MwZ ev cwieZ©b eySvq|
* Principal Verb: ‡h verb Ab¨ Verb Gi mvnv‡h¨ e¨ZxZ ¯^vaxbfv‡e ev‡K¨i A_© m¤úbœ Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv‡K Principal verb e‡j| †hgb- Go, Work etc.

Ex: “I did the work” Here did is a-----------
  (a) Principal Verb      (b) Weak verb
  (c) Strong Verb           (d) Auxiliary verb

* Auxiliary Verb: ‡h Verb g~j Verb ‡K wewfbœ cÖKvi Sentence MV‡bi Rb¨ mvnv‡h¨ K‡i Zv‡K Auxiliary Verb ev mvnvh¨Kvix wµqv e‡j| †hgb- We Should Respect our Parents.
Auxiliary verb Gi msL¨v †gvU 12 wU- can, be, do, have, may, shall, will, must, dare, used to, ought to BZ¨vw`|

mvnvh¨Kvix wµqv Giv g~jZ 3 cÖKvi: 
1.       Verb to be------ am, is, are, was, were, been.
2.       Verb to have---- has, have, had
3.       Verb to do------ Do, Does, Did

* Finite Verb: ‡h wµqvi Øviv g‡bi fve m¤ú~Y© iƒ‡c cÖKvwkZ nq GivB Finite Verb. ‡hgb-He plays the piano.

* Non-Finite Verb: †h wµqvi Øviv g‡bi fve m¤ú~Y© iƒ‡c cÖKvwkZ nq bv Zv‡K Non-finite verb e‡j| †hgb- I would like to do work.

* Transitive verb: ‡h Verb Zvi A_©cwic~Y© Kivi Rb¨ Object MÖnY K‡i Zv‡K Transitive Verb e‡j| ‡hgb-

Ex: Mother loves me. Here “loves” is a-------
       (a) Intransitive verb     Ö(b) Transitive verb
       (c) Auxiliary verb         (d) Simple verb

* Intransitive Verb: ‡h Verb Zvi A_© cwic~Y© Kivi Rb¨ Object Gi cÖ‡qvRb ‡eva K‡i bv Zv‡K Intransitive verb e‡j|

Ex: She Sleeps. Here the verb “Sleeps” is a -----
(a) Transitive verb   Ö(b) Intransitive verb
(c) Linking verb         (d) Auxiliary verb
* Linking Verb: ‡h Verb Subject Ges Complement Gi g‡a¨ ms‡hvM mvab K‡i †`q Zv‡K linking Verb e‡j| †hgb- Become, seem, appear, taste, feel, smell BZ¨vw`|

Ex: Honey tastes sweet. Here-“taste” is-------
   (a) Finite verb                         (b) Non-finite verb
Ö (c) Linking verb         (d) Transitive verb

* Causative Verb: ‡h mKj Verb Øviv Subject mivmwi wb‡R bv K‡i Ab¨‡K w`‡q KvRwU Kivq Zv‡`i‡K Causative Verb e‡j| †hgb- My mother feed me. (Avgvi gv Avgv‡K LvIqvq)| Some Causative Verb-

       Common Verb              Causative Verb
       Know (Rvbv)                     Inform (Rvbv‡bv)
       See (‡`Lv)                         Show (‡`Lv‡bv)
       Lie (ï‡q _vKv)                   Lay (ïqv‡bv)
       Learn (‡kLv)                     Teach (wk¶v †`Iqv)
       Eat (LvIqv)                        Feed (LvIqv‡bv)
       Rise (DVv)                         Raise (DVv‡bv)

Ex: What is the appropriate translation of “Avwg †Zvgv‡K LvIqvBÓ?
(a) I eat you                       (b) I fed you
       (c) I have eat you        (d) I feed you

* Gerund n‡”Q (Verb+ing)) †hv‡M MwVZ Verb Ges noun Gi KvR K‡i|

Ex: How gerund is formed?                      
(a) noun + ing           (b) Preposition + ing
(c) Adjective + ing   (d) Verb + ing

* Verb Gi Subject wn‡m‡e Verb+ing em‡j Zv Gerund n‡e|

Ex: Walking is a good habit. Here “Walking” is a---
 (a) gerund                    (b) verb
   (c) adverb                    (d) noun
* Verb Gi Object wn‡m‡e Verb+ing em‡j Zv Gerund n‡e|

Ex: “Do you enjoy teaching”? Her “Teaching” is a ---------
   (a) noun                       (b) Participle
 (c) gerund                    (d) Adjective

* Infinitive: Verb Gi Present form Gi Av‡M to ewm‡q Infinitive MVb Kiv nq|
A_©vr - Infinitive= to+verb (Present).

Ex: “To err is human” Here the subject is used as-
(a) a noun              (b) An infinitive
      (c) an adjective       (d) Verbal noun

নিম্নে বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় Verb কে আসা কিছু গুরুত্বপুর্ণ প্রশ্ন তুলে ধরা হলো---

1.           Which one of the following is correct?                                           
a) Every English sentence must have a verb.            
b) Every English sentence should have a verb.
c) Every English sentence has a verb.                 d) Every sentence has a verb.    
2.           Nothing lasts forever.
What type of verb is ‘last’ in this sentence?                                                     
a) Auxiliary verb b) Participle     c) Main verb    d) Modal auxiliary                    
3.           “I did the work.” Here did is a/an –                             
a) Auxiliary verb b) Weak verb   c) Strong verb  d) Principal verb                      
4.           Mother loves me. Here “loves “ is an example of the -        
a) Transitive verb            b) Auxiliary verb  c) Simple verb      d) Intransitive verb             
5.           He writes a letter. In this sentence ‘write’ is a-          
a) Principal verb  b) Auxiliary verb  c) Transitive verb d) Intransitive verb           
6.           Mother laughs. ev‡K¨ Laughs wK‡mi D`vniY?
Intransitive verb                      b) Auxiliary verb                                                              
c) Transitive verb                        d) Causative verb                                                
7.           The pofessor gave –                                                                  
a) to the class a tough assignment            b) a tough assignment for the class     
c) the class a tough assignment                d) an assignment tough to the class.     
8.           He raised his hand. Here ‘raised’ is a – verb.                
a) copulative       b) cognate        c) factitive       d) causative                               
9.           Swimming is a good exercise. Here ‘swimming’ is–                            [N.U. (gvbweK) 14-15]
a) participle         b) nominal       c) gerund         d) infinitive                               
10.       Do you enjoy teaching? The underlined word is a-                  
a) a noun             b) a participle    c) a gerund     d) an adjective                         
11.       There is no credit in earning money illegally. The underlined word is-                                                    
a) Past participle  b) Gerund        c) Infinitive      d) Present continuous 
e) Present participle                                                                                                     
12.       Giving is better than receiving. Here the ‘receiving’ is a/an –              
a) adjective         b) common noun            c) gerund         d) present participle                  
13.       Seeing is believing. Here ‘believing’ is-                
a) object of preposition               b) object of transitive verb
c) complement of verb                d) object of subject.                                          
14.       I helped a drowning man. Here ‘drowning’ is a :                                  
a) verbal adjective           b) gerund         c) past participle            d) verbal noun                        
15.       Suddenly finding himself alone, he became frightened.  
a) gerund             b) past participle          c) present participle     d) adverb         
16.       It is alway – when you misunderstand the customs of other countries. 
a) embarrassing   b) embarrass    c) embarrassed             d) embarrassment                    
17.       I needed something to read in order not - .                                                         
a) to bore                        b) to be boring    c) to be bored    d) to beboredem                    
18.       The TV program was so – that I fell asleep.                                                       
a) bore                b) boring          c) bored           d) very bored                            
19.       Hamlet, written in early 17th century, is as alive and –today as it was nearly 400 years ago.                      
a) appealing        b) appeal          c) appealed      d) the appeal of                        
20.       There is a man – next door to me.                                                               
a) living               b) who live      c) who lived     d) is living     e) lived             
21.       Which one of the following is the example of verbal noun?    
a) Writing good letter is difficult.            b) The writing of a good letter is difficult.
c) Good letter writing is difficult.            d) It is difficult to write a good letter.               
22.       Find out the weak verb from the following.                                                    
a) Get                  b) Drive         c) Sing               d) Dream                                   
23.       The past participle of ‘beat’ is -      
a) beat                 b) bitten           c) beaten          d) bit                                       
24.       What is the past form of ‘beat’?                                                                        [I.U.04-05]
a) beat                 b) beated          c) beaten          d) none                                               
25.       What is the correct past participle form of ‘draw’?                                 [D.U.(B) 02-03]            
a) drew                b) drewed        c) drawn          d) drawed                                 
26.       The present form of ‘felt’ is –                                                                       [R.U.07-08 (2)]
a) Fall                  b) Fill               c) Feel              d) fell                                     
27.       The bird has – away.  (cvwLwU D‡o †M‡Q)                                                               [R.U.05-06]
a) flown                          b) fly               c) flied             d) fled                                      
28.       Choose the correct sentence.
a) He was hunged for murder.    b) He has been hunged for murder.
c) He was hanged for murder.     d) He had been hunged for murder.                  
29.       Get the picture – in your room.                                 
a) fastened          b) hanged         c) put               d) hung                                      
30.       The Principal desired the notice to -                                                            [J.U.09-10]
a) be hang                       b) be hanged    c) be hung        d) hung                                               
31.       I (to lay) the book on the table.                                                                  [R.U.(A3) 12-13]
a) laid                  b) lies               c) lays              d) lay                                        
32.       The dog was – in front of the door.                                                   [10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb 14]
a) lain                  b) lying            c) lied              d) laid                                      
33.       He (to lie) on the bed in the last noon.                                          [R.U.08-09, I.U.(C) 11-12]
a) lay                   b) lied              c) lies               d) lieing                                     
34.       The boy – the paper on the desk. In the sentence which one is correct form of verb: 
a) lay                   b) laid              c) lied              d) lain                       [R.U.09-10] 
35.       The past tense of  ‘seek’ is-                                           
a) sought             b) sek               c) saught          d) seeked                                
36.       The past participle form of  ‘slay’ is –                                                         
a) slane                           b) slain             c) slyed                        d) slew                                     
37.       Past form of ‘withhold’ is                
a) withholded      b) withheld      c) withhelded   d) no past form                                  
38.       What is the past form of ‘Welcome’?                                           
a) welcome         b) welcame      c) welcomed    d) wellcame                            
39.       It is our policy to deal with the problems as they-                                 
a) arise                b) raise             c) rise               d) rouse                                  
40.       What is the past participle form of 'Quit'?                                         
a) Quit                 b) Quitten                    c) Quited          d) Quitted                                  

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