Substitution- GK K_vq cÖKvk|
Patriot-(‡`k‡cÖwgK) – One who loves his country.
Philanthropist-(gvbe‡cÖwgK)- A person who loves mankind
Misanthropist-(gbyl¨we‡Ølx)- A person who hates.
Colleague- (mnKg©x)-
one working in the same place
Jockey- one who rides the horses in
Misogynist-(bvix we‡Ølx)- A hater of women.
Cartographer-(gvbwPÎKi)- one who draws maps.
one who mends shoes.
Lexicographer-(Awfavb iwPqZv)- A person who writes dictionary.
Playwright-(bvU¨Kvi)- A person who writes
Pilgrim-(Zx_©hvÎx/n¾¡hvÎx)- one who undertakes a journey to a holy place.
Cardiologist-(ü`‡ivM we‡klÁ)- A doctor who treats heart diseases.
one who knows or see everything
one who is all powerful.
Autobiography-(AvZœRxebx)- About his own life.
Bibliography-(MÖš’ZvwjKv)- About his own life collection of books.
A maiden speech- (cÖ_g eË…Zv)- First speech
A verbose speech-(kãeûj e³Zv) – A speech full of too many
Panacea- (me©‡ivM wbivgq Jlya)- Cure for all diseases.
Genocide- (MYnZ¨v)-
The act of killing of the people of mankind.
Kennel- (KzKyikvjv)- A place for keeping dogs.
Stable- (‡Nvovkvjv)- A place where horses are kept.
Autocracy-(‰¯^iZš¿)- A government by one man.
Philogy –(fvlvZË¡) Study of language
Meteorology- (AvenIqv weÁvb)- Study of weather.
Anthropology- (b„weÁvb)- Study of mankind
Theology (agZ©Ë¡)-
Study of religion
Archaeology- (cÖZœZË¡)- study of ancient societies
Linguistics – scientific study of
Genetics- (eskMwZ weÁvb)- Science of heredity.
Etymology-(k‡ãi DrcwË I BwZnvm weÁvb) – The science of the origin and history of words.
Phonology-(aŸwbZË¡)- Study of the speech sounds.
Gynecology- (¯¿x‡ivMwe`¨v) – The treatment of female diseases.
Pediatric – (wkï‡ivM msµvš— we`¨v) – The branch of medical science dealiag with children
Astrologer- (‡R¨vwZlx) – one who foretells thing by the
Astronomer – (‡R¨vwZwe`©)- one who studies heavenly bodies.
Manuscript – (cvÛywjwc)- A paper written by hand.
Garrulous – (evPvj)-
A Person who talks much.
Ecological – (cwi‡ek we`¨v)- Environmental science
Homogenous- (mgRvZxq) Of the same kind
Syntax- (evK¨ MV‡bi wbqgvejx)- Sentence building.
Razzmatazz- (‡Kvjvnj
c~Y© Kg©KvÛ)- A noisy
Ex-1: The word
“ecological” is related to-
Pollution (b) Atmosphere
Demography (d)
“Pediatric” Related to the treatment of-
A dulls (b)
Women (d) Old people
কিছু খিঁচুরি আইটেম
Hang (duvwm †`Iqv )
Hang (e¯‘ Szjv‡bv)
Lie (wg_¨v
Lie (ï‡q
(wWg cvov)
Ex-1: The
Picture was ----- on the wall.
hanged (b) to hang
(c) hung (d)
to be hanged
Ex-2: He has
----- in bad.
laid (b) lied
(c) lain (d)
* Noun ‡Pbvi Dcvq:
mvaviYZ Noun Gi †k‡l ce, cy, th, ty, tion, sion, ment, ness, hood, ship, age, BZ¨vw` _v‡K|
Ex: The word
“poverty: is a ----
verb (b) Adjective
adverb (d)
* Adjective ‡Pbvi Dcvq:
mvaviYZ word Gi †k‡l ous, sive, tive, ful, ish, less, ible, some, like, able, ic, ant, ent,
ing, ary, ed, BZ¨vw` _v‡K|
Ex: The word
“prolific” is a----
verb (b) adjective
noun (d) noun
* Adverb ‡Pbvi Dcvq:
mvaviYZ Adverb Gi †k‡l ly _v‡K| Z‡e Adjective Gi mv‡_ ly hy³ K‡i Adverb MVb
Kiv hvq|
Ex: The word
“Slowly” is ---
noun (b) verb
adverb (d) adjective
* Verb ‡Pbvi Dcvq:
mvaviYZ verb Gi †k‡l ify, se, ze, ise, Ges KwZcq verb Gi
cÖ_‡g em, en, de, re _v‡K|
Ex: Which of
the following is a verb?
(a) economize (b) economy
economical (d) economic
* Noun + ly, Noun + al, Noun + y =
Ex: Friendly +
ly = Friendly
+ ly = Adverb
+ ly = Slowly
* mvaviYZ Verb Gi Subject wn‡m‡e Noun e¨eüZ nq|
Ex: Honesty
is the best policy.
* Article Gic‡i GKwU gvÎ Word _vK‡j Zv Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
Ex: I walked
for a while
* Article Ges Preposition/Verb
ev adverb / conjunction Gi
gv‡S GKvwU gvÎ word _vK‡j Zv
Aek¨B noun n‡e|
Ex: This is
the fashion of the day.
Here. “fashion” is a ---
(a) Pronoun (b)
(c) verb (d) adverb
* `ywU Noun hw` cvkvcvwk e‡m cÖ_gwU
wØZxqwU‡K qualify K‡i, Zvn‡j cÖ_g Noun wU Adjective wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|
Ex: I am a university
(a) Adverb (b) pronoun
Noun (d)
* mvaviYZ be verb Gi c‡i adjective e‡m|
Ex: The boy is
(a) noun (b) verb
adjective (d) adverb
* Article I noun
Gi gv‡S adjective e‡m|
Ex: Arif was a
bright student.
(a) noun (b) pronoun
(c) adjective (d)
DIE Gi e¨envi:
Die for – ‡`‡ki Rb¨ gviv hvIqv
Die in – kvwš—‡Z Ny‡gi g‡a¨, hy‡× Kg©iZ Ae¯’vq gviv hvIqv|
Die form – AwZwi³ †Kvb Kv‡Ri d‡j gviv hvIqv|
Die of – ‡iv‡M gviv hvIqv
Ex: The man died --- cancer.
(a) of (b) by
(c) from (d) to
* Advise, ask, command, demand,
insist, prefer, propose, request, require, suggest, urge BZ¨vw` verb A_ev, Imperative, Important, mandatory,
obligatory, proposed, recommended, suggested, urgent BZ¨vw` Adjective A_ev Demand, proposal, recommendation,
suggestion BZ¨vw` Noun Gi
ci That clause _vK‡j me©`vB That Clause Gi verb Gi
base form n‡e Ges negative Gi †¶‡Î base form Gi c~‡e© ïay not em‡e| be verb Gi †¶‡Î ïay be em‡e|
Ex: I suggest
that he ----- there.
went (b) go
goes (d) gone
* Simple Sentence ‡Pbvi Dcvq:
In spite of, Despite,
Because of, owing to, too-to, enough to, Present Participle iƒ‡c being,
having, v+ ing, by/without/besides + v + ing BZ¨vw`
Ex: Which of
the following sentence is a simple sentence?
Do or die
I know that he is rich
I respect him as he loves me
(d) In spite of his poverty he
is happy.
* Complex Sentence ‡Pbvi Dcvq: Who, whom, whose, which, what, as, because, since,
for, as if, it, though, although, after, before, where, when, while, How, that,
so that, In order that, Till, untill, lest, unless, in case, than BZ¨vw` _v‡K|
Ex: “Though,
Although, Because, Since, As”
Implies the –
Negative (b) Simple
Complex (d) Compound.
* Compound Sentence ‡Pbvi Dcvq: And, or, but, yet, so, therefore, otherwise, both,
and, either – or, neither – nor, not – only – but also BZ¨vw` _v‡K|
Ex: “Do or
die” is a –
Complex Sentence
(b) Simple Sentence
Positive Sentence
(d) Compound Sentence
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