
Gender: ‡h kã Øviv †Kvb Noun ev Pronoun Gi cyi“l, †kªYx ev G‡`i †KvbwUB bq ev Ae‡PZb c`v_© BZ¨vw` eySvq Zv‡K Gender e‡j|

cÖKvi‡f`: Gender Pvi cÖKvi| h_v:
1. Masculine gender (cys wj½)
2. Feminine gender (¯¿x wj½)
3. Common gender (Dfq wj½)
4. Neuter gender (K¬xe wj½)

Masculine Gender to Feminine Gender:

Masculine                             Feminine
Boy, Lad (evjK)                     Girl, Lass (evwjKv)
Ox (lvuo) Bull (ej`)               Cow (Mvfx)
Drone (cyi“l †gŠgvwQ)               Bee (¯¿x †gŠgvwQ)
Dog (KzKzi)                              Bitch (KzKzix)
Stallion, Horse (cv‡ji †Nvov) Mare (‡Nvov)
Bachelor (AweevwnZ cyi“l)       Maid, Spinster
                                                (AweevwnZ gwnjv)
Widower (wecZœxK)                 Widow (weaev)
Fox (‡LuKwkqvj)                        Vixen (‡LuKwkqvj)
Duck (g„M)                               Doe (g„Mx)
Monk (mbœ¨vmx)                         Nun (mbœ¨vwmbx)
Colt (‡Nvov)                              Filly (‡NvUKx)
Nephew (fv‡Mœ)                       Niece (fvwMœ)
Bridegroom (ei)                   Bride (K‡b)

Ex: What is the Feminine of “monk”?
         (a) duches                         (b) nun
         (c) frial                             (d) madam

1. Sun, Death, winter, war, Anger, Fear, Love, Time, Day, G‡`i kw³ †ZR ev cyi“‡lvwPZ ¸Y _vKvi Kvi‡Y G‡`i‡K Masculine gender wn‡m‡e MY¨ Kiv nq|

Ex: Which one is masculine gender?
         (a) Miss                            (b) Death
         (c) Spring                         (d) Liberty

2. Earth, Moon, Modesty, Mercy, Night, Spring, Autumn, Peace, Nature, Hope, Religion,- G‡`i †KvgjZv, bgbxqZv, †mŠ›`h© cweÎZv, BZ¨vw` bvixm~jf ¸Y _vKvi Ki‡Y G‡`i‡K Feminine gender wn‡m‡e MY¨ Kiv nq|

Ex: Which one is masculine gender?
         (a) Winter                     (b) Day
         (c) Spring                       (d) war

3. Common Gender: cysevPK ev ¯¿xevPK Dfq‡K eySv‡j Common Gender nq| †hgb: student, doctor, infant, people, Friend, Neighbour, baby, teacher, horse, servant, spouse, parent, sheep BZ¨vw`.

Ex: Which one is common gender?
         (a) Girl                           (b) Man
         (c) Boy                          (d) Baby

For Example:

1.           How many types of gender are existed?                              
a) One type         b) Two types    c) Three types  d) Four types                         
2.           The masculine gender of 'hind' is-                                                             
a) stage                b) stag              c) hindes          d) hinddess                               
3.           Opposite gender of 'lady' is -                                                         
a) baroness          b) lord              c) duchess        d) laddie                                   
4.           The opposite gender of ‘fox’ is –
a) foxy                            b) female fox   c) bitch            d) vixen                                  
5.           What is the feminine gender of ‘Don’?                                                       
a) donne              b) donna          c) donni           d) dona                                      
6.           The feminine of “ram” is-                                                                           
a) Doe                 b) Bitch            c) Ewe d) Drake                          
7.           Masculine of ‘sow’ is –                                                                              
a) bull                 b) fox              c) hart              d) boar                                   
8.           What is the opposite gender of ‘witch’?                                                        
a) villian (wf‡jb)   b) wizard         c) dog              d) hind                                    
9.           Which one is in feminine form?                                   
a) nun                 b) boar             c) drone           d) emperor                                 
10.       Which one is in masculine form?                                     
a) mare                b) nymph            c) stag              d) heiress                                   
11.       Which is in masculine form?                                                   
a) Roe                 b) Mare                        c) Niece           d) Drake                                 
12.       Which of the following is a feminine gender?                                      
a) puppy(KzKz‡ii ev”Pv)           b) mare                        c) drone           d) lion                                    Ans:b
13.       What is the opposite gender of ‘poet’?                                                  
a) Poetess            b) Female poet c) Poet             d) Poetress                             
14.       Which one is the correct masculine form of ‘she-ass’                             
a) He-ass             b) Pea-ass        c) Jack-ass       d) Jhone-ass                              
15.       Masculine gender of 'abbot' -                                                                  
a) abess               b) abbes           c) abbess          d) abbotess                             
16.       The feminine gender of ‘Signor’ is -                                                      
a) signora                        b) signorr         c) signoress      d) signorer                               
17.       The feminine gender of  the word ‘John’ is -                              
a) Jane                b) June             c) Jun               d) Junee                                   
18.       ‘Duchess’ is feminine of-                                                                        
a) Dramatist        b) Dutchman    c) Duke                        d) Earl                                       
19.       Which of the following is always feminine?                                  
a) fowl                b) foal              c) spouse         d) shrew                                  
20.       Which of the following nouns is used in the masculine form?                    
a) Time                           b) Autumn       c) Moon                       d)  Peace          e) All              Ans:a
21.       Which of the following is a common gender?                                  
a) orphan                        b) gander         c) cock            d) pea-hen                              
22.       Common gender is –                                                                                  [R.U.09-10]
a) king                 b) queen          c) monarch      d) none                                               
23.       What does ‘spouse’ mean?                                                           
a) family member           b) Parents         c) Husband      d)  Husband or wife                  
24.       The dog ate – meal.                                                                                      
a) its                    b) it                  c) it’s               d) his                                      
25.       The committee has met and ----  
a) they have reached a decision  b) has formulated themselves some opinions
c) took their decision                   d) it has reached a decision                                 

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