
1. Singular Number Gi †k‡l um _vK‡j Plural Kivi mgq um Gi cwie‡Z© a em‡e| KLbI KLbI Singular Number Gi m‡½ s ‡hvM K‡i Plural Kiv nq|

Singular                                            Plural
Agendum                                           Agenda
Datum                                                data
Erratum                                              Errata
Medium                                             media
Spectrum                                           Spectra
Memorandum                               memoranda
Symposium                                       Symposia

Ex: The singular from of “data” is-------------
            (a) datas         (b) datum
(c) dat             (d) datem

2. Singular number Gi †k‡l is _vK‡j Plural Kivi mgq is Gi cwie‡Z© es em‡e|

Ex: The plural form of “Basis” is------
            (a) bases                     (b) basies
            (c) basiss                   (d) basises

3. Singular number Gi †k‡l us _vK‡j Plural Kivi mgq us Gi cwie‡Z© i A_ev us Gi mv‡_ es ‡hvM Ki‡Z n‡e|
Ex: The Plural form of “Syllabus” is------
         (a) syllab                         (b) syllabia
         (c) syllabum                    (d) syllabi
4. Singular Noun Gi ‡k‡l f ev fe _vK‡j Gi ¯’v‡b v e‡m Ges es ‡hvM K‡i plural Ki‡Z nq|
         Leaf -------------Leaves
         Calf -------------Calves
         Knife ----------- Knives
         Wolf ------------Wolves
         Thief ------------Thieves

Ex: What is plural form of “Knife”?
         (a) Knifee                      (b) Knives
         (c) Knivesses                   (d) Knifeess

5. Alphabet, Information, Furniture, Scenery, Bread, Poetry BZ¨vw` Noun ¸wj me©`vB Singular wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|

Ex: What is plural form of “Alphabet”?
         (a)  Alphabets                   (b) Alphabeties
         (c) Alphateties                (d) None

6. Mathematics, Physics, Ethics, News, Gallows, Innings, Politics BZ¨vw` Noun ¸‡jv †`L‡Z Plural n‡jI Singular wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|

Ex: Which of the following words is singular?
        (a) Physics                    (b) Boxes
         (c) Bushes                     (d) Roads

7. Alms, measles, Scissors, Bowels, Fish, Poultry, Trousers, Spectacles BZ¨w` Noun Plural A‡_© e¨eüZ nq|

Ex: Which one is the plural form?
         (a) Physics                    (b) Mouse
       (c) Poultry                      (d) Agendum

8. Deer, Sheep, Serine, Corps, Cannon, Public, Series, Dozen, Score, Hundred, Thousand G‡`i Singular I Plural GKB iKg _v‡K| Z‡e Score, Dozen, Hundred, Thousand Zv‡`i c~‡e© Some, Many _vK‡j A_ev †Kvb msL¨vevPK bv _vK‡j KLbI G‡`i c‡i s hy³ n‡q Plural n‡q _v‡K|

Ex: The plural form of “Sheep”?
         (a) Sheeps                     (b) Sheep
         (c) Sheepes                      (d) Ships

Extra Important Number:

Singular                    Plural
Bureau                       Bureaus/Bureaux
Criterion                    Criteria
Phenomenon             Phenomena
Formula                     Formulas/Formulae
Index                          Indices/Indexes
Appendix                   Appendices/Appendixes
Hero                           Heroes
Echo                           Echoes
Army                          Armies
Toot                            Teeth
Goose                         Geese
Louse                         Lice
Mouse                         Mice
Ox                               Oxen 

Important Question of Number

1.           Plural number of ‘ultimatum’ is -                                             
a) ultimate           b) ultimata       c) ultimator     d) ultimates                               
2.           The singular form of ‘Agenda’-                             
a) Agendum        b) Agendam     c) Agedem       d) Agedua                                 
3.           Plural of “criterion” is –       
a) criterions         b) criteriones    c) criterias        d) criteria                                  
4.           The plural of “Basis” is ---                                             
a) basises                        b) basies          c) bases                        d) basiss                                  
5.           The plural form of ‘Genus’ –                            
a) Genuses          b) Genas          c) Genera         d) Genis                                 
6.           The plural number of ‘Bureau’ –                                                              
a) Bureax                        b) Bureaux       c) Buraes         d) Bureas                                
7.           The plural form of ‘appendix’ is –
a) appendixes      b) appendis      c) appendices   d) appendesis                        
8.           What is the plural form of ‘vertex’ ?                                                      
a) vertices           b) vertexes       c) vertex          d) vertexies                             
9.           What is the plural form of the word “Seraph”?                             
a) Seraphs                       b) Seraphes      c) Serapic         d) Seraphim                        
Ans: a,d
10.       Which one is the singular?                                                             
a) agenda                        b) bacteria        c) crises           d) curriculum                           
11.       Identify the word in the plural form?                                       
a) Radii               b) Stadium       c) Physics        d) Civics   e) Agendum             
12.       Which singular- plural pair is correct?                                    
a) Stratum : Strata                      b) Agendum : Agendums  c) Agenda : Agendas         
d) Corrigendum : Corrigendums  e)  Appendix : Appendice                                   
13.       Which one of the following words is a plural number?          
a) Datum             b) Mouse         c) Errata           d) Bacterium                             
14.       Which of the following nouns is in plural form?                                  
a) Analysis          b) Radius         c) Datum          d) media           e) crisis          
15.       Which one of the following is singular?                                                               
a) agenda                        b) alumni         c) medium       d) media                                  
16.       Which of the following words is singular?                                         
a) Physics            b) Bushes         c) Roads          d) Boxes                                  
17.       Which one is plural?                                                                             
a) princess           b) Princes         c) mattress       d) news                        e) mistress       
18.       What is the singular form of ‘Leaves’?                                          
a) Leaf                b) Leav                        c) Leave           d) Leafe                                  
19.       Which of the following does not add ‘ves’ in the plural form?
a) wife                b) roof                         c) wolf             d) shelf                                                
20.       Echo Gi mwVK Plural †KvbwU ?            
a) Echos              b) Echoes         c)  Echoistic     d) Echoed                               
21.       Which of the following is the plural form of ‘Tooth’?   
a) Teeths             b) Tooth           c) Teeth           d) Tooths                                 
22.       Which one is plural form of the word ‘mouse’?      
a) Mouses                       b) Mousess      c) Mice            d) Mices                                   
23.       Which one is in plural number?                                              
a) School             b) Oxen           c) Leaf             d) Mathmatics                         
24.       Which of the following is always singular?                                               [R.U.09-10]
a) Nucleus           b) Formula       c) Scenery          d) Machinery                           
25.       I have done it – of times.
a) hundreds         b) hundred       c) a hundred    d) hundredth                              
26.       Plural form of ‘Deer’  
a) Deer                b) Deorn          c) Dearine        d) Derrs                                     
27.       The plural noun used as singular is:                                                     
a) Books             b) Princes         c) Ethics           d) Universities   e) Men           
28.       There are 10 – in a hundred.                                                                    
a) tens                 b) ten’s            c) ten                           d) tenx                                    
29.       Which one is the plural form?                                                                  
a) Physics                        b) Mouse         c) Poultry         d) Agendum                              
30.       Singular of  ‘ours’ is –                                                                                      
a) my                  b) me               c) mine            d) I                                          

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