Parts of Speech
of Speech
Parts of speech:
Kinds: Parts of Speech ‡gvU 8 cÖKvi| h_v:
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Verb
4. Adjective
5. Adverb
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection
Noun: ‡h Word Øviv †Kvb wKQzi bvg eySvq Zv‡K Noun e‡j|
Example: Masud, Country, etc.
Kinds of noun: Noun ‡gvU
cvuP cÖKvi| h_v:
1. Proper Noun
2. Common Noun
3. Collective Noun
4. Material Noun
5. Abstract Noun
1. Proper noun: GKwU wbw`©ó e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’vb, BZ¨vw` bvg‡K Proper Noun e‡j|
Ex: The Padma, Dhaka,
Arif etc.
Ex: ‡KvbwU Proper Noun?
(a) Dhaka (b)
(c) Man (d) City
2. Common Noun: ‡h mKj Noun Øviv
wbw`©ó †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’v‡bi bvg bv eywS‡q GKRvZxq mKj‡K eySvq Zv‡`i‡K Common Noun e‡j|
Ex: Man, Boy,
Girl, Book, River, Elephant, City, People BZ¨vw`|
Ex: What kind
of noun is “girl”?
(a) Common (b) Proper
(c) Abstract (d) Collective
3. Collective noun: ‡h mKj Noun Øviv mgRvZxq wKQz e¨w³, e¯‘‘,
mgwó‡K †evSvq Zv‡`i‡K Collective
Noun e‡j|
‡hgb- Cattle, Committee, Jury, Team, Army,
Crowd, Audience BZ¨vw`|
Ex: What kind
of noun of the word “Cattle”?
(a) Proper (b)
Common (c)
Collective (d) Material
4. Material noun: ‡h
Noun Øviv †Kvb c`v‡_©i m¤ú~Y© Ask‡K eySvq
Ges hv‡`i †K msL¨v Øviv MYbv Kiv hvq bv, wKš‘ GKK Øviv cwigvc Kiv hvq, Zv‡`i‡K Material Noun e‡j| †hgbÑ Water, Paper, Salt, Iron, Diamond, Oil, Rice, Milk BZ¨vw`|
Ex: What kind
of noun is “Milk”?
(a) Proper (b)
Material (d) Collective
5. Abstract noun: ‡h mKj Noun Øviv, †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯’v I Kv‡Ri
bvg eySvq Zv‡`i‡K Abstract
Noun e‡j|
G‡`i †k‡l mvaviYZ dom,
hood, ness, sion, ment, ship, th, ty, ry BZ¨vw`|
Ex: What kind
of noun is “Honesty”?
(a) Proper (b)
Abstract (d) Collective
* Proper Noun KLb Common noun nqÑ mv`„k¨ Zzjbv Ki‡j Zzjbxq Proper Noun wU
Common noun n‡q hvq Ges G‡¶‡Î Common noun wUi c~‡e© the Ges
c‡i of e‡m|
Ex: Nazurl is
the Byron of Bangladesh.
The underlined word is used as-
Proper (b) Common (c)
Material (d) Collective
* Material Noun KLb Common Noun nq- Material
Noun Gi c~‡e© The Ges c‡i of e‡m|
wbw`ó Ki‡j Material Noun
wU Common Noun n‡q hvq|
+ Material Noun + of)
Ex: The gold
of Africa is famous in the world.
* Collective noun KLb Common noun nq-
+ collective noun + of
Ex: The army
of Bangladesh
is brave
* Countable Noun: ‡h Noun ‡K MYbv Kiv hvq
Zv‡K Countable Noun e‡j| †hgb- Student, Book, Pen BZ¨vw`|
* Uncountable noun: ‡h Noun ‡K MYbv Kiv hvq
bv Zv‡K Uncountable Noun
e‡j| †hgb: Information, Furniture, Equipment,
Scenery, Fun, Money, Luggage, Bread, Rice BZ¨vw`|
Noun Gi
cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ kãB Pronoun|
Pronoun AvU cÖKvi t
1. Personal Pronoun
2. Reflexive Pronoun
3. Demonstrative Pronoun
4. Indefinite Pronoun
5. Interrogative Pronoun
6. Relative Pronoun
7. Distributive Pronoun
8. Reciprocal Pronoun
1. Personal Pronoun: e¨w³i
bv‡gi cwie‡Z© †h Pronoun
¸‡jv e‡m GivB Personal Pronoun.
Ex: Shanta
knew the fact but he did not tell me.
GLv‡b “Shanta”
GKRb Person Ges
ÒHe” Zvi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ kã| ZvB Bnv Personal Pronoun.
Ex: I me, my,
mine, we, us, our, he, him, his, she, her, hers, they, them, their, theirs BZ¨vw`|
Personal Pronoun Including Possessive Pronoun: ‡h
Pronoun ¸wj Possession
ev †Kvb wKQzi Dci Kv‡iv gvwjKvbv `vwe
K‡i Zv‡`i Possessive
Pronoun e‡j|
Possessive Adjective
Possessive Pronoun
Use of Personal Pronoun:
Rule-1: hw` verb Gi
c~‡e© wewfbœ number I Person
Gi Subject and/or Øviv
hy³ nq, Z‡e cÖ_‡g 2nd
Zvici 3rd Ges
†k‡l 1st
Person Abymv‡i Ges me¸‡jv Subjective form e‡m| ms‡¶‡c (231) G‡¶‡Î Verb me©`v
Plural nq| Avcbviv ÒPerson” ‡R‡b wb‡eb|
Ex: Choose the
correct sentence.
(a) I,
you, and Limi have passed.
(b) I, Taslima
and you have passed.
(c) Taslima,
I and you have passed.
(d) You, Taslima and I have passed.
Rule:-2: ‡`vl ev Aciva ¯^xKvi Kivi †¶‡Î cÖ_‡g 1st Zvici 2nd
Ges †k‡l 3rd Person Abymv‡i
e‡m| ms‡¶‡c (123)|
Ex: Choose the
correct sentence-
(a) You, he and I am guilty.
(b) You, he and I are guilty.
(c) I, You, and he are guilty.
(d. He,
I and You are guilty.
Rule-3: Let GKwU
Verb weavq Gic‡i Pronoun wUi Object form (me, us, him, her, them) BZ¨vw` e‡m|
Ex: Which one
is correct sentence?
(a) Let he and I go.
(b) Let I and he go.
(c) Let me and he go.
(d) Let him and me go.
Rule-4: Be
verb (am, is are, was, were BZ¨vw`) Gic‡i
Subjective form e‡m|
Ex: I wish I
(a) him (b)
(c) he (d) himself
2. Reflexive Pronoun: Verb Gi Subject I Object
GKB e¨vw³‡K eySv‡j Zv‡`i‡K Reflexive Pronoun e‡j| Giv Self Ges Selves hy³
n‡q MwVZ nq| A_©¨vr ÒSelf”
hy³ Word-B Reflexive Pronoun.
Ex: myself,
ourselves, himself, herself, yourselves BZ¨vw`|
one is a reflexive Pronoun?
They (b) who
me (d)
Rule-1: absent,
avail, enjoy, pride, exert BZ¨vw` Verb ¸‡jvi
ci Subject Abyhvqx Reflexive Pronoun e‡m|
Ex: Choose the
correct sentence.
(a) He absented from the meeting.
(b) He was absented from the meeting.
(c) He had absented from the meeting.
(d) He absented himself from the meeting.
3. Demonstrative Pronoun: ‡h mKj Pronoun eZ©gvb, AZxZ, fwel¨‡Zi wKsev
wbKUeZ©x ev `~ieZ©x †Kvb Noun
‡K we‡klfv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i| †hgbÑ This, These, That, Those BZ¨vw`|
Ex: This is my
pen. Here “This”-
Personal Pronoun
(b) Demonstrative Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun
Reflexive Pronoun
4. Indefinite Pronoun: ‡h Pronoun ‡Kvb Awbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSvq| †hgb: any, anybody, some, someone,
somebody, everyone, everybody, another, others, one, none, no one, everything,
something, many, all, few, little, much, many,
more BZ¨vw`|
Ex: Any,
anyone, some, someone, are-
Demonstrative Pronoun
(b) Indefinite Pronoun
Relative Pronoun
Reflexive Pronoun
Rule-1: One
of, no one of, everyone of, anyone of, someone of cÖf„wZ Gi c‡i Plural Noun/Pronoun Ges
Singular verb e‡m|
Ex: Which one
is correct?
(a) One of my friends is a lawyer.
One of my friends are a lawyer.
One of my friend is a lawyer.
One of my friend are lawyers.
Rule-2: One hw` Subject
nq Zvn‡j Zvi Possessive Case wU me©`vB one’s n‡e|
Ex: One should
be careful about-----duty.
her (b) his
the (d)
5. Interrogative Pronoun: ‡h
mKj Pronoun Øviv cÖkœ Kiv nq| Sentence Gi
cÖ_‡g Who, What, Which, Whom, _vK‡j
Ges Zvici Auxiliary verb
_vK‡j ZLbB Giv Interrogative Pronoun. G‡¶‡Î Sentence
Gi †k‡l Note of Interrogative? e‡m|
Ex: Whom did
you meet yesterday? The word “Whom” is-----Pronoun?
Relative (b)
Demonstrative (d) None
6. Relative Pronoun: ‡h
Pronoun c~‡e© DwjwLZ †Kvb Noun ev Pronoun ‡K wb‡`©k c~e©K `ywU evK¨‡K hy³ K‡i Zv‡K Relative Pronoun e‡j| †hgb- who, which, that, but, whom, who, BZ¨vw` Relative Pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|
Ex: The boy who
came yesterday is my brother. (GLv‡b who Øviv
boy ‡K wb‡`©k Kiv n‡”Q|)
This is the man who is my brother.
Her “Who” is------
Personal Pronoun
(b) Relative Pronoun
Distributive Pronoun
Reflexive Pronoun
Rule-1: Gap Gi c‡i Verb _vK‡j Ges Gap Gi
c~‡e© Person (e¨w³) _vK‡j
Gap G Who
e‡m| wKš‘ Gap Gi
c~‡e© e¯‘ _vK‡j Which/that
Ex: I know the
boy---------is there.
(a) which (b)
(c) who (d) whom
7. Distributive Pronoun: ‡h
Pronoun A‡bK ¸‡jv e¨w³ ev e¯‘ †_‡K GKwU e¯‘ ev e¨w³‡K Avjv`v K‡i
eySvq Zv‡K Distributive
Pronoun e‡j| †hgb- each, either, neither BZ¨vw`|
Ex: Each of
them was present. Here type of Pronoun “each” is ------Pronoun.
Personal (b) Relative
Reciprocal (d) Distributive
8. Reciprocal Pronoun: ‡h
mKj Pronoun mvaviYZ cvi¯úvwiK m¤úK© wb‡`©k K‡i| †hgb- each other, one another BZ¨vw`| Each other- `yBR‡bi g‡a¨, one another-ci¯ú‡ii g‡a¨ eySv‡Z Reciprocal Pronoun e¨eüZ
nq| Giv KL‡bv Subject nq _v‡K|
Ex: Choose the
correct sentence.
(a) The three sisters love each other.
(b) The
three sisters love one another.
(c) The
three sisters loved each other.
(d) The three sisters loves one another.
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